Hiring a screenwriter By Michael McKown






Writing a script can be challenging even for the most experienced writers. It requires a special skill set with specific knowledge of screen structure. For this reason, many people hire a screenwriter to bring their idea to life, rather than attempting to write it themselves. This is especially true if you want a professional product that meets industry standards and that will appeal to producers and directors. The problem is that screenwriters are a dime a dozen, so it’s important to do some research.

One of the most important things to look for is skill. Ask for samples of their work, and if it meets your standards, the next thing to consider is compatibility. You want to work with someone you like and have a good rapport with. After all, you will be working closely with this person for probably months.

A screenwriter can help you understand what goes into writing a good screenplay. They can help you understand structure, plot twists, and hitting certain beats while you hash out ideas together.

Screenplays are made up of scene headings, scene descriptions, text (actions), character names, dialogue, parentheticals (what the character is thinking or doing while speaking), and transitions. Final Draft and Celtx will auto-format it for you, but you need to know how to use it. Your screenwriter will help with that, if you’re just seeking consulting instead of writing.

Each page of a script is typically one minute of film time, so a 120-page script is roughly two hours. These days the sweet spot is 90 pages which amounts to 90 minutes of screen time. Some studios and production companies won’t even look at anything over 100 pages for a feature film. Television scripts are usually 20 to 30 pages for a half-hour show and 40 to 60 pages for an hour-long show. Keep in mind that scripts with more description than dialogue might need more pages than those that are more dialogue-rich. The rule of thumb is to have more white space than text which means more dialogue than blocks of description.

You also need to decide if you are writing an indie film or a big-budget film as the style of writing is very different. Again, the screenwriter will help with the differences. It’s not just the words the screenwriter types, it’s also their vision to make the project as dynamic as possible. 

When presenting an original concept, it’s best to write an outline and character descriptions for your screenwriter. Then get yourself screenwriting software so you can follow along with your screenwriter. The industry standard is Final Draft, but it can be pricey for those just starting. Celtx.com offers a free online screenwriting platform that can be imported into Final Draft.

Another thing to consider is how involved you want to be in the writing process. Some screenwriters might deliver you a fully complete product while others will deliver 10 to 20 pages at a time. Both have their pros and cons and are a personal preference. If you prefer to receive the finished product but end up not liking it, you will have to go through a long editing process to get what you want. On the flip side, if you’re receiving 10 to 20 pages per week, you’ll know how the screenplay is progressing and can have edits done on the fly. 

Luckily there are companies to alleviate all the headaches of figuring out who to hire to write your screenplay. With the vast number of screenwriters for hire, it’s better to have a screenwriting services company vet the writers for you. With companies such as Pronto Screenwriting Services, you can find the perfect screenwriter for your genre and style to deliver the best script possible. 

If you’re someone who wants to maintain credit as the writer of the screenplay, you should consider a ghostwriter. They do all the writing but stay as invisible as a ghost and you get all the credit. It’s a win-win.

Pronto Screenwriting Services offers ghostwriting by some of the top script writers in the business. Did you know your favorite films or television shows could have been written by a ghostwriter? Probably not. And you may never know because a good ghostwriter stays hidden in the shadows.

So go ahead and get your screenplay written by a professional who will make your idea shine. 


Diya Patel
Diya Patel
Diya Patеl is an еxpеriеncеd tеch writеr and AI еagеr to focus on natural languagе procеssing and machinе lеarning. With a background in computational linguistics and machinе lеarning algorithms, Diya has contributеd to growing NLP applications.
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